Transport logistics

Course Description
The training course for managers in transport logistics is included in the block of programs of training courses and seminars of the Academy of Export and Logistics of Uzbekistan aimed at training specialists in the areas of "foreign economic activity", "customs clearance", "export development" and "logistics" is the training and professional development of specialists and managers of state organizations, as well as enterprises, incl. SMEs engaged in foreign trade activities and international cargo transportation.
The developing domestic market of Uzbekistan, high demands on a modern logistics system along the entire supply and production chain (Supply Chain), while the development of transport logistics is one of the key aspects affecting the development of all sectors of the economy of Uzbekistan.
Knowledge of the basics of national legislation and international rules for the transport of goods by various modes of transport will reduce not only the risks in the transport of goods, but also the costs associated with human and financial resources, effectively solve management problems.
The training course consists of theoretical and practical blocks of studies. In the classroom, students can ask questions and get qualified answers. Practical classes will consider examples of documents and tasks that are encountered in the daily work of transport and forwarding companies.
The course prepares specialists, whose tasks are the organization of cargo transportation including. and international transportation, as well as specialists and managers of trading and manufacturing companies engaged in export-import operations.
Training under this program is aimed at improving the skills of transport managers and the effectiveness of their work, acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge that will help organize the transport of goods by all modes of transport.
Course program:
Introduction to transport logistics. Goals and objectives of transport logistics in foreign trade activities. State strategy and priorities for the development of transport logistics in Uzbekistan. Legislative norms.
International automobile and multimodal transport.
Rail transportation.
Air transportation.
Application of modern information technologies in the organization of international cargo transportation.
Intelligent transport systems.
Environmental norms and rules for the international transport of goods.
International standards in logistics, implementation of ISO 9001 (quality management) and 14001 (environmental management) standards.
Transport logistic and distribution centers.
Electronic declaring.
Forwarding activity.
Legal regulation of international cargo transportation. Drafting of contracts for freight forwarding and transportation.
Features of insurance of international transport and cargo.
Transportation of dangerous goods.
Transportation of bulky and heavy cargo.
Processing of consolidated cargo.
Urgency of introduction of modern logistics technologies in the process of cargo transportation.
The problems that arise when transporting foreign trade goods and their logistics solution.
International experience in the field of transport logistics. Development of the market of transport and logistics services of the modern level (representation of ZRL and 4PL-providers).
Joint planning of transport process with warehouse and production, creation of clear and effective logistical schemes.
Case studies in accordance with the interests of the participants of the seminar.
Duration of the training course: 72 hours.
Organizational matters:
Courses can be arranged both in the daytime and in the evening.
In agreement with customers, courses can be conducted for a single organization.
After the completion of the training courses, the certification will be conducted, according to the results of which a registered Certificate will be issued.
Course participants are provided with:
Presentation materials on the topics of lectures;
Reference manuals on transport logistics (in electronic form);
Normative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan (in electronic form).
Employment and internships:
The Academy of Export and Logistics of Uzbekistan can provide consulting assistance in employment and a consulting service on organizing internships in Uzbekistan and abroad, specializing in "manager of transport logistics".