Export development

Course Description
The training course for export development managers is part of the curriculum of training courses and seminars of the Academy of Export and Logistics of Uzbekistan aimed at training specialists in the areas of "foreign economic activity", "customs clearance" and "logistics", whose goal is to train and improve the skills of specialists and managers state organizations, as well as enterprises, including SMEs engaged in foreign economic activity.
Many companies work in the field of foreign economic activity, import or export products (goods and services), carry out international transport of goods, face "customs clearance" and currency transactions.
The subject knowledge of the legislative bases and modern instruments of exporting goods and services, as well as customs, currency and tax legislation, will allow to minimize not only the risks in the export of goods and services, but also the costs associated with human and financial resources, effectively solve managerial and production tasks .
In the classroom, students can ask questions and get qualified answers. Practical lessons can be considered examples of documents and tasks that occur in the daily work of course participants.
The peculiarity of the course is the availability of theoretical and practical blocks of studies.
In practical classes, students will learn: to work with software in the field of foreign trade activities and customs; correctly fill out various types of commercial, transport and customs documents; draw up a foreign trade contract; independently classify and determine the product code according to the TN VED; to calculate customs value and customs payments; analyze and determine the need for additional receipt of permits for the import or export of goods (licenses, certificates, permits).
The course prepares specialists whose tasks are the development of exports of goods and services, as well as professionals and managers who are faced with the issues of organizing and conducting foreign economic activities at the enterprise and in t.ch. working in the fields of customs and logistics administration of foreign economic transactions.
The training under this program is aimed at improving the skills of export managers and their work efficiency, acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge that will help organize the export of own products (goods and services) to foreign markets, as well as the opening of new foreign markets, including markets countries of the EU.
Course program:
Introduction to export. State policy and priorities for the development of Uzbekistan's export potential. Legislative standards for export development and support for export-oriented enterprises;
Marketing of foreign markets. Selection of promising markets and methods for their analysis;
Strategies for entering foreign markets;
Business communication in export activities. Rules of negotiation and conclusion of transactions;
Export contract. Types and rules of drawing up export contracts (contracts);
Specificity of the basic conditions of contracts of sale. Factors influencing the choice of the basis of supply;
Legal support of export activities;
Management of financial resources;
Documentation support of export activities;
Customs logistics for export operations;
Logistics of export activities;
Possibilities of online trading for exporters;
Insurance of export operations and their features;
Certification of goods and services;
Practical lessons. Case studies in accordance with the interests of the participants in the training.
Duration - 72 hours.
Organizational matters:
Courses can be arranged both in the daytime and in the evening.
In agreement with customers, the courses can be conducted for an individual organization.
After the completion of the training courses, certification will be conducted, according to the results of which a registered Certificate will be issued.
Course participants are provided with:
Presentation materials on the topics of lectures;
Export manuals (in electronic form);
Normative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan (in electronic form).
Employment and internships:
The Academy of Export and Logistics of Uzbekistan can provide consulting assistance in employment and a consulting service for internships in Uzbekistan and abroad, specializing in "Export Development Manager".