Basics of warehouse logistics

Course Description
The training course for managers in warehouse logistics is part of the block of programs of training courses and seminars of the Academy of Export and Logistics of Uzbekistan aimed at training specialists in the areas of "foreign economic activity", "export development", "customs clearance" and "logistics", whose purpose is to prepare and improve qualification of specialists and heads of state organizations, as well as enterprises, incl. SMEs engaged in foreign economic activity.
Companies engaged in foreign trade activities, as well as carrying out international transport of goods in their current activities are inextricably linked with the need for storage, processing and packaging of goods in warehouses (warehouses responsible storage of cargo storage warehouses, logistics and distribution centers).
Effective operation of the warehouse complex will minimize not only the risks of foreign trade operations, but also the costs associated with human and financial resources, effectively solve managerial and production tasks.
Upon completion of training, the warehouse logistics manager will be able to: effectively build a warehouse management system; give an accurate estimate of storage costs; to calculate the required storage area; carry out an inventory; rational use of facilities and equipment; competently motivate key employees and warehouse personnel; ensure coordinated interaction with other departments and services of the company; To apply technologies of automation of management by processes of warehousing (WMS).
The training course includes theoretical and practical blocks of studies. In the classroom, students can ask questions and get qualified answers. Practical lessons can be considered examples of documents and tasks that occur in the daily work of course participants.
The aim of the course is to familiarize with modern technologies of warehousing and management of the warehouse complex, to structure the knowledge available to the listeners and to improve their competence level. The course prepares specialists whose tasks are the organization and operation of warehouse complexes, logistics and distribution centers.
The curriculum is aimed at improving the skills of beginners and practicing managers in warehouse logistics, acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge that will help to organize the work of a warehouse complex, logistics and distribution centers, as well as training effective technologies for optimizing warehousing processes.
Course program:
Introduction to logistics. State strategy and priorities for the development of logistics centers and warehouses in Uzbekistan. Legislative norms.
Logistics of procurement, supply, inventory management and supply chains.
Application of modern information technologies in the storage and distribution of goods.
Warehouse Logistics. Logistic and distribution centers.
Classification of warehouses. The main functions of warehouses. Place of the warehouse in the organizational structure of the enterprise.
Legislation requirements for warehouse organization. GOST, SNIP, SanPin.
Warehouse structure. Warehouse staff. Staffing schedule of the warehouse. Requirements for labor protection and fire safety.
Material liability. Inventory conducting.
Schematic diagram of the warehouse. Streams in the warehouse.
The main processes in the warehouse. Zoning. Storage systems.
Technical aspects. Warehouse equipment.
Warehouse operations. Automation of warehouse operations.
Address storage system. The order of transition to the addressable storage system. WMS system.
Warehouse accounting and workflow. Analysis of warehouse costs.
Basic ideas about commodity stocks. Types of material stocks. Inventory management systems. Basic analytical methods.
Estimation of requirements in the warehouse area.
Case studies in accordance with the interests of the participants of the seminar.
Duration of the training course: 72 hours.
Organizational matters:
Courses can be arranged both in the daytime and in the evening.
In agreement with customers, courses can be conducted for a single organization.
After the completion of the training courses, the certification will be conducted, according to the results of which a registered Certificate will be issued.
Course participants are provided with:
Presentation materials on the topics of lectures.
Reference books on warehouse logistics (in electronic form).
Normative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan (in electronic form).
Employment and internships:
The Academy of Export and Logistics of Uzbekistan can provide consulting assistance in employment and a consulting service for organizing internships in Uzbekistan and abroad, specializing in "warehouse logistics manager".